It was prayerfully intended when this land was consecrated to GOD that the Circle "J" in the name will inspire those who walk here to always keep JESUS CHRIST in the center of their every thought, word, and deed.
Our mission at Circle J is to Honor Jesus Christ. As the center of unity for all Christians, The "J" in the circle means "Jesus". Circle J Ranch is a retreat to "be in the presence" of God with adventure, learning, camps and activities that bring people together to celebrate an abundant life.
Let the forest and spectacular red rocks inspire and invigorate you as you experience the powerful energy and magnificent views of Circle J Ranch land. Our location on the edge of Big Horn National Forest gives you opportunities for relaxation, reflection and self-renewal.
Our 200 acres, surrounded by Forest, are filled with dramatic red rocks, canyon, apple orchard and Ten Sleep Creek. Built nature friendly, our retreat facility has RV parking with seven hookups, two Bunk houses, Seven Cabins, a Chapel and facilities capable of accommodating large groups. We offer lodging of varying sizes, allowing flexible rooming options. camping christian camp wyoming retreat
Circle J is owned by the Mountain Sky Conference of the Untied Methodist Church.
3338 Hwy 16 E, Ten Sleep, WY 82442, US